
Tau Pi

Alpha Tau Pi was founded in 2020 with the goal of creating a community of individuals who share a passion for the biological sciences. We recognized that there was a need for a space where students and professionals in biology could come together to share their knowledge, learn from one another, and collaborate on projects and research.

We believe that the study of biology is crucial to understanding the natural world and to developing solutions to the challenges facing our world. As such, our fraternity is dedicated to promoting and advancing the field of biology through academic excellence, leadership development, and networking and community outreach.

Ultimately, our fraternity was founded to bring together individuals who share a deep appreciation for the wonders of biology and a commitment to using our knowledge and skills to make a positive impact in society.

Aude Tu Provocare (Dare to challenge yourself)
— ATP Motto
  • Symbols

    Double-stranded DNA and the Mitochondria

  • Colors

    Biotic Blue and Golgi Gold

  • Flower

    Blue Poppy

ATP Pillars

Academic Excellence

ATP encourages and supports academic success among members through promoting study groups, tutoring, and workshops. ATP motivates its members to embrace lifelong learning, and to continue to grow and develop their knowledge and skills throughout their lives.

Leadership Development

ATP strives to provide opportunities for members to learn about different career paths in the biology field, network with professionals, and assist members in gaining hands-on experience through connections to internships or research opportunities. We support members to develop leadership skills through opportunities for involvement in the fraternity and in the larger biology community.

Networking and Community Outreach

ATP provides a space for networking opportunities for members to connect with each other, faculty, and professionals in the field. ATP advocates for community service and outreach activities that promote biology education and conservation.

